Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Miley Cyrus Can't be Tamed.

Miley Cyrus decided to remind us once again that she isn't 14-year-old Hannah Montana anymore.  

I hate to admit it, but I love this video.  It's sleazy, sexy, guilty-pleasure pop.  The video is well-directed and the styling is beautiful.  Cyrus' outfits are (albeit revealing), very couture.  When she comes out of the cage at the beginning, I noticed the black bands on her arm.  This detail known as the "cage dress" is popping up everywhere on celebrities, and cutouts and cage dresses will definitely update the LBD in the Fall.  I loved the feather bolero she wears, which brings the taxidermy trend to mind as well.  The standout piece however, was the disco ball bodice and peacock feather (wings?).  It was just stunning, and dramatic.  The stylist really amped up Miley's image with this one. 

Can't be Tamed was released yesterday, and is already garnering controversy.  We all remember the scandal two years ago, when photos from Vanity Fair exposed Mileys--back!  People are buzzing about this video, saying she's too young to be this raunchy.  Last time I checked, Miley will be turning 18 this year, and I think any girl can own up to wearing skimpy outfits or gyrating at a dance party.  The only difference is that everyone is watching Cyrus, and watching her grow up at the same time.  I am a natural fan of drama and controversy... I just don't understand why this video is viewed as raunchy.  All I see is a popstar performing her song.  And that is what she does best.  Cyrus is an entertainer and her appeal reaches a wide demographic.  Last summer, everyone, including my mom knew and loved her hit, Party in the USA.  I doubt this song will be as much of a hit as her previous singles, but it is still relatively catchy.

In the song, Cyrus talks about "going through boys like money".  This is quite the accomplishment for someone as young as her.  We can all decide to bash Miley, call her a slut, famewhore, Disneyrobot, whatever you will, but in the end of the day, she is the one dating her gorge co-star, Liam Hemsworth.

The media has deemed this video an "evolution of Miley".  What is she... a Pokemon?  I guess Cyrus has transformed from a Hannah Montana Pokemon to a Caged Bird.  I think this is an outcry from Miley, proving to the public that we are confining her talent (yes, I will admit to thinking Cyrus has talent) and not letting go of her Hannah Montana character.  

If Miley decided to ditch the country kicks and God-awful wig, I'm cool with that...As long as I have a catchy tune to hum in the shower. 

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely loved this post.
    Very well-written, funny and flirty!
    Hahah "what is she, a pokemon?"
    you're amazing.
    and you're right. at the end of the day.............. she's got liam :(



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