Thursday, August 12, 2010

25 Days Left.

This summer seems as if it's been going on forever.  I finished my exams on 4/21 and have been in summer mode ever since.  The only (slightly) intellectual activities I've been doing are blogging and learning how to sew.  At the beginning of this summer, I published a list on Tumblr (who even does that anymore?)... a to do list of sorts. 

"Being a a sufferer of obsessive compulsive disorder, I tend to make a lot of to-do lists to help organize my life. During the school year, these lists usually consist of things I need to read, write or study. With the summer comes a new sense of freedom. A freedom to explore new things and accomplish certain things you’ve always wanted to. So here are 25 items (so far) on my Summer 2010 list…"
1. attend a concert or better yet, music fest
2. sleep under the stars
3. underwater (draw your own conclusions here.)
4.  buy a pair of Louboutins
5. get my G2
6. go on a roadtrip with my girls (with the aid of a G2 license haha)
7.  party in Montreal
8. skinny dip with random people I just met
9. get into an agency
10. go a week without spending any money
11. clean my closets
12. get published
13. resurrect film photography
14. host a massive house party (and not irritate the neighbours)
15. learn to bartend like a pro.
16. learn to sew
17. go to Niagara Falls
18. go to a Karaoke bar (many times…)
19. watch the movies I’ve always wanted to see, but hadn’t yet.
20. learn to play the guitar
21. practice piano more
22. Go to NYC
23. take ballet again
24. become a Yogi (haha)
25. finish my romance novel "

There were 25 Items on my List, and 25 days left.  So I think it's time to retrospect and see what I have accomplished so far... and take note of the outstanding items.

1. I went to Lilith... massive festival filled with women and many lesbians.  Saw Sarah McLachlan, got teary -eyed.  I count that one as done.
2.  Done :)
3. Done :)
4. I didn't buy Loubous... but I did get a Marc Jacobs bag...
5. Outstanding.  Must. Drive. More.
6. Impossible, due to the fact that I haven't accomplished 5. and my mom isn't keeping her car.
7. Outstanding... but can be postponed till Fall.
8. Outstanding... maybe this is something better left for a Carribean getaway
9. I'm working on it... and confident that this goal can become a reality within a few weeks :)
10. I made it to 6 days, caved and bought a popsicle.  I did pretty good though :P
11. Ah shit... this has been on my to do list forever.  It's still Pandora's Closet in there... "We're going to the closet, Natalie's going to get dressed.  She's going to her closet, to grab her shit and split." Ahh Zaboomafoo, the closet on that show is an everyday reality for me.
12. I sort of did get published... on an online blog that will be left nameless.  They weren't really legit, and the editor was a douche.  So I'm working on getting my better pieces in Chatelaine or Elle for now...
13. Ahh shit.  I bought a pile of film... now I just need to get a new battery into my mom's old Nikon and I will go nuts come the weekend of the county fair.
14. Outstanding!  I can't believe this hasn't happened yet.  :(
15. My martini shaker leaks... so this one's a miss until I get a new one.
16. DONE :) Despite my issues with sewing zippers... I am on my 5th week of lessons at The Sewing Studio and loving it!  Hopefully I will be able to make my own clothes soon
17. I would love to go while the weather is still nice.  Wine tours and Fallsview Casino is in order, but maybe it's best to postpone until the last week of Septmber when I'm legal to do fun things instead of going to Marineland and Wax Museums on the Strip.
18. Will be accomplished Friday night. 
19. Maybe this will happen this weekend... let's see how adventurous I get at Blockbuster.
20. This has been on my summer to do list for 3 years running.  Since I got my guitar for my 16th birthday, I haven't learned more than two chords and Seven Nation Army... I'm a musical fail.
21. I haven't touched the ivories in so long.  I'm actually dedicating myself to this one though, since I'm ashamed of how I've lost touch with that side of my creativity.
22. Dang.  Still no dice.  I'm too broke and have no one to go with.  Maybe I'll get sent for castings??? Perfect opportunity to see the city and work in the Big Apple.
23. I have attended a couple classes... but once my work doesn't fall between the hours of 1130-1 I can attend the classes at DanceTeq more regularly... it breaks my heart how much i MISS dancing ballet.
24. This has been accomplished... I now practice on my own, at the cottage, by the lake... I love the feeling of laying in Shivasana and letting go of any tension in my life.
25. I'm working on it.

      Seriously, but maybe I need to watch soap operas more for inspiration.  My first full length erotic novel will see the light of day...

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