Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Thoughts on Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day. Those two words, and their meaning can incite fear, anxiety and panic into some people. To others, the words bring back recollections of fond, fuzzy memories (mostly mushy).

I have to admit to the fact that I have always been a hater of the "Hallmark" holiday. I always seem to be single around this time (correlation?) and in elementary school, the stress of giving and receiving Valentines was enough to cause premature pattern baldness; I love my hair too much.

As young kids, we would send Valentines with Disney or Barbie characters to everyone in the class. We made doilie heart cards for our mommies and daddies and we ate cinnamon hearts. Then, grade four came, and so did the shift in our tendencies. From that point forward, we became selective with who we send our Valentines; and who we send our metaphorical love to. For some unknown reason, the bitter cinnamon hearts are still consumed.

The film, Valentine's Day, starring 60% of Hollywood attempts to shed a light on the highs and lows of the tumultuous day for relationships. Many people get engaged, break-up or drown their sorrows in a pint of Ben & Jerry's on this day. So much stress is put on a day that was originally created to honour a Saint, who was giving and passionate about people.

This Valentine's Day, I urge everyone to return to grade one. Spend this February 14 by sharing love with everyone. Or come to the cinema with me to see Wolfman...just don't eat too much chocolate. Your thighs will thank me later.

1 comment:

  1. AHAHA
    the photo is a bit graphic.
    love it regardless...


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